Ability to change order of pinned styles
Tame Pheasant
When choosing the style it's great that we can pin to the top our favorites, that's really helpful and time saving. But it would be great to be able to drag to reposition them in the order we want. Currently when you add a new one it comes out at the front, but usually it's not my most used style. So I find myself having to de-pin all of the styles instead of the new one, and then pinning them back in the reverse order of how I want them to appear. That defeats the purpose of time-saving and is going to limit the usefulness of this feature as I will get to a point where I won't add new styles. It would be easy to fix this by allowing us to drag and drop to position them how we want.
I added this as a previous feature request, but within a project having the style persist for each new image instead of resetting to the default V3 Raw would be great too.
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Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Default to previously used model when generating new image in project
Tame Pheasant
When I'm in a project where I am generating a lot of images that are a similar theme and/or style I leave the previous images on the artboard and click new image to run the prompt again. When I do that my prompt remains (which is a good thing) but the model defaults back to v3. Then I have to go through the whole process again to go into choosing the model I am using. Sometimes I forget and I end up wasting credits on a pair of images that are using the default v3 model which isn't the style I want (if I'm using another model). It would be great if the model stayed at the same model we used previously so we didn't have to go clicking and scrolling to get back to the same model every time.
Urban Canid
or create your own model or style. I haven't played around this but I think this is similar to leo that we can train to create our own model.
Tame Pheasant
Urban Canid I have tried creating my own style, but it's a really awkward process. We don't seem to have the ability to delete or edit styles after they are created. It's going to get unmanageable very quickly if I have to create a style every time I want to generate some images.
Hi! Thanks for the suggestion!