Project Thumbnail
Jute Kingfisher
The ability to set a project image as the default thumbnail (for example, by right-clicking on an image of the project and selecting 'Set as Project Thumbnail')
It would be great to add this feature to improve the display of the projects list (
This would help us navigate our various projects more effectively.
Currently, the project's thumbnail image changes constantly with every modification, which is quite frustrating.
Thank you for your awesome app
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Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Change featured image of the Projectfolder.
Easy Narwhal
Right now, Recraft choose the featured image of the folder. Choosing which image should be the featured one, helps us better to remind the content of the folder. Especially, when we have many folders with a lot of content.
Anna Veronika Dorogush
That's a cool idea, we'll definitely implement! Thank you very much!
Careful Vole
Thank you! it will greatly improve the organization of our work. And if a group of projects could be grouped as a folder (it happens a lot when you work on clients who work on many projects) this would be ideal, since projects from different clients would not be mixed together on the screen, it would improve the visibility of what belongs to each one very well.
Easy Narwhal
Anna Veronika Dorogush Oh, I see you have added the feature to change the thumbnail already! I didn't noticed. :-) I love it. Thank you so much!
Sanguine brown Emu
This would be a great benefit and honestly, a quality of life feature that we simply need.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Add "Set as Project Image"
Hazel Fish
Simple feature to select an image from the project workspace to be the key art for the project in the project workspace.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Ability to set the thumbnail (cover image) for Projects
Tame Pheasant
It would be great to have an easy way to set the thumbnail image that appears on the Projects page for each project. Maybe a way to right-click an image and choose 'Thumbnail' or 'Default'.
• to be able to set our best image as representative of the Project
• often when generating images in the Project they will evolve and the images we end up using are different from the first image which is currently what ends up being the Thumbnail. When scanning the images in the Projects it's way easier to find the images that we are going to use than the first one which can look very different.
• It's not uncommon for me to forget to change the style from the default Raw v3 to what I really want. I actually use Illustration way more than I use the Raw v3 style. If we could set our default style, mine would be Illustration because between Raw v3 and Illustration, it is Illustration that I use it 90% of the time. That other 10% of the time is when I forget to change to Illustration and accidentally waste credits using Raw, or when I try Raw out of curiosity to see what it will produce. The time I'm most likely to accidentally forget to change to Illustration is on the first run (or when creating a New Image), and then that becomes the Thumbnail of the project, which is not the look I'm going for most of the time.
Thanks for your suggestion!