Button "Merge Objects" disable
Supporting Vicuna
When you select an image and brush "strokes" from the brush tool the merge object is disable but you still can merge using the shortcut or right click mouse button option menu
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Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Don't work merge object
Atomic tangerine Flamingo
Hello, there are problems.
I'm making a postcard, generated a mockup, a photo, and added text, and I wanted to download it, but everything is downloaded separately, not in one picture. So I decided to combine them, highlighted them, and wanted to click on merge object, but it doesn't work, it just turns gray and that's it.
I have a windows laptop, please tell me what the problem might be and suggest a solution, I haven't found an answer on the Internet.
Anna Veronika Dorogush
Can you provide a screencast of your actions? It should work with multiselect.
Another option is to create a frame, drag and drop elements into a frame and then export the frame.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Merge Objects button disable when multiple Brush object select
Supporting Vicuna
Whe can merge multiple brush objects via shortcut or right click option merge, but not via the button Merge objects. See image